Computer Assisted Surgery

Computer navigation provides your surgeon with real-time 3-D images of your mapped knee and the surgical instruments during surgery. The data for the images is provided by infrared sensors fixed to the bones of the knee and surgical instruments.
Knee Replacement

Total knee replacement, also called total knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure in which the worn out or damaged surfaces of the knee joint are removed and replaced with an artificial prosthesis.
ACL surgery

ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction is a commonly performed surgical procedure. With recent advances in arthroscopic surgery, it can now be performed with minimal incision and low complication rates.
Meniscus Surgery

Meniscal surgery is a surgical procedure employed for the treatment of torn or damaged meniscal tissues in the knee. It is mostly performed as a minimally invasive keyhole procedure.
Visionaire Knee Replacement

Visionaire is an advanced surgical technology for a joint replacement that is based on the patient’s specific anatomy. Surgical instruments are designed according to X-ray, MRI or CT scan images of your knee joint.
Mako Robotic Knee Replacement

We understand that making sure you know what to expect from your joint replacement experience is important to you. As you are reading through this material, if you have additional questions please reach out to us to discuss.
Computer Assisted Knee Replacement

Computer navigation provides your surgeon with real-time 3-D images of your mapped knee and the surgical instruments during surgery.
Knee Arthroscopy

Knee Arthroscopy is a common surgical procedure performed using an arthroscope, a viewing instrument, to diagnose or treat a knee problem. It is a relatively safe procedure and most of the patients are discharged from the hospital on the same day of surgery.
Patient Matched Knee Replacement

When planning a total knee replacement for patient surgeons conventionally use 2 dimensional X-ray images and a transparent template to decide the size and placement of the artificial knee components.
Knee Ligament Surgery

Knee ligament injuries are common in athletes involved in contact sports such as soccer, football and basketball. Knee ligament injuries are graded based on the severity of injury.
Cartilage Preservation

Knee cartilage restoration is a surgical technique to repair damaged articular cartilage in the knee joint by stimulating new growth of cartilage or by transplanting cartilage into areas with defects in order to relieve pain and restore normal function to the knee.
ACL Reconstruction

The anterior cruciate ligament is one of the major stabilizing ligaments in the knee. It is a strong rope like structure located in the centre of the knee running from the femur to the tibia.
Total Knee Replacement

Knee replacement is a surgical procedure - performed in the U.S. since the 1960s - in which a diseased or damaged joint is replaced with an artificial joint called a prosthesis.Made of metal alloys and...
Unicondylar Knee Replacement

Unicondylar Knee Replacement simply means that only a part of the knee joint is replaced through a smaller incision than would normally be used for a total knee replacement.
Revision Knee Replacement

Revision Knee Replacement means that part or all of your previous knee replacement needs to be revised. This operation varies from very minor adjustments to massive operations replacing significant amounts of bone.
Knee Home Exercise Program

Low Impact Aerobic Exercise - Swimming and riding a stationary bike are great low impact exercises that help build strength in your knee.
Total Knee Implants Designed with Women in Mind

Total knee replacement is one of the safest and most successful types of surgery; in well over 90% of cases, it is complication-free and results in significant pain relief and restoration of mobility.